Monday 12 November 2012


...My name is Tim Harvey. Time to get my Troy McClure on. You may know me from such Basketball, Los Angeles Lakers, Movies, Music, Books and Travel blogs as 'Basketball 24/48/82', 'Lake Show View', 'Films For Fridays', 'AMPs & 808s', 'Between A Book & A Quiet Place', 'World On A String' and the umbrella site 'EC-Everything Entertainment Central'. Well following the magnificent seven comes the eight wonder (just kidding I don't have an ego), 'Heart & Soul' (I chose the name because it says it all if I ever released an album I'd call it that). This is a more personal blog of sorts...not too personal, I'm a private person. Still this blog will be mainly used for posting photo's, quotes etc. Yes, there will still be reviews but not as much as this, so breathe a sigh of relief your reading list hasn't just got bigger. Stay tuned for more, a layout change (this is just a template) and a post on an unforgettable week. A week off where I caught Ben Affleck's great new film 'Argo' (review on the way), an amazing, atmospheric Bon Iver gig and most importantly spent the entire week with the beautiful love of my life (hey, I don’t care this is MY blog) in wonderful Windemere. An unforgettable time with the one and only (no, not Chesney Hawkes...although that would be kind of awesome). Amazing memories...IT ONLY GETS BETTER!! 

On The Bookshelf: 'Big Man' By Clarence Cleamons. The late, great saxophonist of 'The Boss' Bruce Springsteen. Already hooked after the first page. I can only read one book at a time as I get so immersed and this is right there with Steven Tyler's 'Does The Noise In My Head Bother You' as a great, rock read. Rest In Peace Big Man.

From The DVD Rack: 'The Town'. Ben Affleck's new film 'Argo' puts him there with the acting/directing greats George Clooney and Clint Eastwood and this 'Heat' filled action, thriller is his best. Jeremey Renner and Jon Hamm really bring it too, can't stop watching it!

On The iPod: Awesome new Aersomith 'Music From Another Dimension' (especially 'Beautiful' and 'We All Fall Down'), excellent, experimental new Muse 'The 2nd Law' (especially 'Survival' on permanent repeat) and of course Bon Iver (to reminisce an incredible night) and 'Battle Born' by The Killers (all.THE.time), can't wait to see them live this week.

Thank you for stopping by and you stay classy, your blog Anchorman!


(Told you this was my blog and I can do what I want...if you don't like 'Anchorman' this might not be for you. "I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish")